Time to blossom and go to the next stage...

Ready to launch into a new career as a trainer or supervisor for counselling or psychotherapy?

Are you feeling stuck in your career?
Where next for you?

Do you want to a clearer understanding of who you are as a trainer or therapist?

Grieving the Death of a Child or Sibling?

Need help with your training course or programme?

Living with Loss the Loss of a Child or Sibling

Wanting more creativity in your therapeutic or training work?

Unlock your true potential

Transform grief into growth

Counselling & psychotherapy training, research and supervision in the North West

At Cathy McQuaid Therapy, Research and Training Consultancy I value professionalism, integrity and trustworthiness alongside a passion for training standards, ethical practice and thought-provoking research. I hope you find something of interest on the site, if you have any specific questions please contact me using the contact page.

Looking for my recent book?

Understanding Bereaved Parents and Siblings: A Handbook for Professionals Family and Friends, published by Routledge in May 2021

Order your copy now either through my shop or you can buy from any good bookshop.

Online Supervision Group for Therapists starting in September 2023

This monthly group is for counsellors and psychotherapists who are looking for supervision of their a clinical practice. Therapists of any modality are welcome. The group mets one Friday a month. Click here for more information.

Online TEW Preparation Group starting in September 2023

This group meets monthly on a Friday morning. The focus of the group will be on all aspects of the TEW workshop from developing and writing your TPO, to starting or developing your practice as a supervisor and trainer. Click here for more information.

Online Continuing Professional Development Group for Trainers and Supervisors starting in September 2023

This group is for any trainer and supervisor who is interested in being in a group of peers; to have supervision and/or training consultancy; to gain support for their training and supervision practice and to seek new challenges to develop their skills and expertise. The group meets monthly on a Friday. Click here for more information.

Online TSTA Exam Preparation Group starting in October 2023

This bi-monthly group is for anyone who is seriously planning on undertaking the TSTA exam. The group will focus on developing the necessary knowledge and skills to be an effective trainer and supervisor. Come along and work with other colleagues to prepare and succeed in your exam. Click here for more information.

Interested in any of these groups? Then contact Cathy with your specific needs via the online form available here.

Looking for Cathy's first book 'What You Really Need to Know About Counselling and Psychotherapy Training' click here for more information.



Supervision is essential and can help you to enhance and develop your ethical and professional and/or clinical practice.

Click here for more information on supervision ....


Thinking of training to be a counselling or psychotherapy trainer? Wanting to take your TEW but not sure what is involved in being a trainer?

Read more about training...

  Professional Development

We have a number of continuing professional development courses for trainee and qualified counsellors, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals.

View CPD opportunities...


Research is necessary for us to demonstrate our efficacy and effectiveness. If you are not sure what to do or how to evaluate your practice or to undertake research Cathy can provide tutorials or training sessions to help you get started. 

Contact here for more information